Encouraging young women to enter maritime careers | Inquirer and Mirror – The Inquirer and Mirror

(Sept. 22, 2022) Madaket Marine CEO Catherine Slattery hopes that a week-long science, technology, engineering and math camp on Nantucket will turn into careers on the water for the young women who took part in the program late last month.

Called the Captain’s Academy, the program provided about 10 teenage girls a week of hands-on experience driving boats, snorkeling in Madaket Harbor and other water-related activities as Slattery and the camp’s director Skylah Reis seek to address the disparity between men and women in the maritime field.

“Of the 1.2 billion mariners in the world, only 2 percent are women and these young women are learning how to navigate, how not to be afraid of the water and they will be the next captains in our future,” Slattery said.

A Harvard graduate working on a master’s degree in marine biology, Reis led the girls, age 13 to 15, in a series of educational lectures and demonstrations that saw the campers learn how to maintain an upweller to grow shellfish, meet the all-female crew of the sailboat Maiden, which finished second in the Whitbread Round the World Race in 1989 and 1990, and speak to the Nantucket Conservation Foundation’s team of women scientists.

“It’s all about comfort and seeing someone who is similar to you in some way doing something that you hope to do. A big thing with the camp is making sure that when the girls are on the boat, it’s a female captain. Every time they’re seeing someone interface with one of the maritime jobs, it’s a woman,” Reis said. Several of the participants were graduates of Sea Lab, a marine and aquatic environmental studies program offered by New Bedford Public Schools. Herself a New Bedford native and graduate of Sea Lab, Reis said Nantucket provided the perfect location for the camp.

“We saw it in Madaket Harbor this morning, there’s such a biodiversity of marine life, there are so many different organisms to get your hands on. In New Bedford at least, we don’t always have those. We don’t have a harbor with so much biodiversity. You have to get on a boat and go somewhere, you can’t really just always step in the water and see everything so Madaket Harbor is perfect for that. It’s like our own little aquarium,” Reis said.

The Captain’s Academy was designed to cover all aspects of STEM, with a focus on maritime-related activities. The girls learned about navigation using GPS, finding fish with SONAR, coding the results of their snorkel study and analyzing how to run a business profitably by looking at a profit and loss statement and balance sheet.

“The goal of this program is to show these girls a bunch of careers that they could step into and have them meet people in these fields. This is anything from a marine biologist like myself but also a female harbormaster like we have on Nantucket,” Reis said.

Funding for the program came in part from last year’s Nantucket Chamber of Commerce business-pitch competition, where Slattery won second place and $5,000. Slattery said the funding paid for Reis’ salary, with the remaining cost picked up by Madaket Marine.

“I was dreaming about this educational program for the past eight years and I put together a thumbnail sketch of what it looked like, then I made a brochure and when I saw the pitch competition, I knew it would force me to take it a step further and codify exactly what I wanted to achieve and what I needed for support. Because I had to stand up and tell people in the pitch competition what it was, it made it one step closer to a reality,” Slattery said.

This year’s pitch competition will be held Oct. 8 at the Dreamland Theater.

Source: https://www.ack.net/stories/encouraging-young-women-to-enter-maritime-careers,30098?